Sapphire Global APACHE Mahout Training makes you an expert in using APACHE Mahout Concepts. Enroll now for APACHE Mahout online training and get through the concepts of data, by utilizing the internal memory for storing a working set. Sapphire Global introduces all the key concepts in APACHE Mahout to help the learner gain more knowledge. Enroll & Become an APACHE Mahout Consultant.
Course Curriculum
Key features
This course will prepare you to:
- Explain the architecture of the APACHE Mahout component.
- Configure and use new functionalities in APACHE Mahout.
- Use the standard APACHE Mahout Sub Modules.
- Explain the APACHE Mahout Controlling Configuration and Customization option.
Introduction to Machine Learning And Mahout
- In Mahout Training, you will know what machine learning is, what Apache mahout is and what is clustering.
- Machine Learning Fundamentals
- Apache Mahout Basics
- History of Mahout
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning techniques
- Mahout and Hadoop
- Introduction to Clustering and Classification.
Apache Mahout And Hadoop
- Myrrix is a recommendation engine based on mahout, therefore this module is designed for mahout training and myrrix.
- Mahout on Apache Hadoop
- Setup Mahout and Myrrix.
Recommendation Engine In Mahout Training
- This module will focus on Recommendation algorithm and Mahout optimizations.
- Recommendations using Apache Mahout
- Introduction to Recommendation systems
- Content Based Mahout Optimizations.
Implementing A Recommender And Recommendation Platform
- Understanding the various recommendations, implementing Recommendors, different types of similarities in Apache mahout.
- User based recommendation
- User Neighbourhood
- Item based Recommendation
- Implementing a Recommender using MapReduce Platforms
- Similarity Measures
- Manhattan Distance
- Euclidean Distance
- Cosine Similarity
- Pearson’s Correlation Similarity
- Log likelihood Similarity
- Tanimoto Evaluating
- Recommendation Engines (Online and Offline)
- Recommendors in Production.
- This module is designed to give you thoroughly over the clustering concepts.
- Clustering
- Common Clustering Algorithms in Apache mahout training
- K-means Canopy Clustering
- Fuzzy K-means and Mean Shift etc.
- Representing Data Feature Selection
- Vectorization in Apache Mahout training
- Representing Vectors
- Clustering documents through example TF-IDF and Implementing clustering in Hadoop
- By the end of this training module, you will be able to develop a classifier on your own.
- Examples
- Basic Predictor variables and Target variables
- Common Algorithms
- Navie Bayes
- Random Forests
- Training and evaluating a Classifier
- Developing a Classifier
Apache Mahout And Amazon EMR
- We’ll focus on Apache Mahout and Amazon EMR, have an overview on Weka, Octave Matlab and SAS.
- Mahout on Amazon
- EMR Mahout Vs R
- Introduction to tools like Weka, Octave, Matlab and SAS
Project Included In Mahout Training
- This is the implementation module, of what we have learnt so far in Apache Mahout training.
- A complete recommendation engine is built on application logs and transactions
Practice Test and Interview Questions
Practice Test and Interview Questions
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